Articles & Publication


Client Centered Therapy:

“Time For A Change”

Counseling vs. Life Coaching


Emotional Benefits and Effects of Meditation

Tonglen Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Bohart, A.; Rosenbaum, R.; and Bhutia, A. Person-Centered Therapy, Buddhism, and Brief Psychotherapy: Forming a Triangle of Change. Presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research, San Francisco, California, 2007.

Bekele, A.; Rodriquez, N.; and Mason, K.; Depression Among Elderly adults with HIV/ADIS. Presented at International Conference on Social Sciences, Waikiki, Hawaii, 2005.

Byock, G.; Bekele, A.; and Bohart, A.; A Vicarious Empathic-Hermeneutic Ethnographic Examination of Goal Negotiation From the Client’s Point of View. Presented at SPR, Society for Psychotherapy Research, Montreal, Canada, 2005.

Bekele, A.; Byock, G.; Mehar, S.; and Bohart, A.; Study on the Process of Psychotherapy from the Client Perspective (How the Client Accesses the process in therapy). Presented at SPR, Society for Psychotherapy Research, Springdale, Utah, 2004.